2014年9月27日 星期六


達秘(Darby)“The Irrationalism Of Infidelity: Being A Reply To "phases Of Faith”一書中描述麥當勞(Macdonald)家庭的靈恩聚會與約翰·貝特·卡代爾(John Bate Cardale) 律師參予麥當勞(Macdonald)家庭的聚會的情況都有共通的地方:

1)  他們都共同描述瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)的哥哥詹姆斯(James)及 家中的女傭都說方言。

2)  們都共同描述在說方言之前有誦讀、唱詩及祈禱的程序。

3)  他們都共同描述詹姆斯(James)說方言時用盡他的力氣,有近似拉丁語(Latin)的發音。

4)  他們都共同描述詹姆斯(James)在說方言後,以同樣的方言唱詩。

5)  他們都共同描述有一位婦女在聚會中高聲發言。

6)  他們都共同描述除了家庭成員外還有兩個人主持聚會,貝特·卡代爾(John Bate Cardale)用兩位紳士(gentlemen)來形容,而達秘(Darby)則以可尊敬的人(estimable person)和牧師(minister)來形容這兩個人。

7)  他們都共同以穩重(sober)來描述麥當勞家庭的人。

達秘(Darby)與約翰·貝特·卡代爾(John Bate Cardale)都對麥當勞家庭的評價很好,麥當勞家庭的預言在當代有著極深的影響。


1. Darby, J. N., The Irrationalism of Infidelity  London : Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster-row,1853 , p. 301- 303

2. Revival Library   Edward Irving (1792-1834) The first report of speaking in tongues in Britain which laid the foundation of British Pentecostalism.

2014年9月1日 星期一

達秘所傳揚的秘密被提(secret rapture)是鬼魔的道理

1. 達秘曾拜訪瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)的家庭及參與他們的家庭聚會

(i) 跟據教會歷史學家添·格拉斯(Tim Grass)的描述,他說在蘭貝斯宮圖書館未曾出版的一份手稿(unpublished manuscript at Lambeth Palace Library)記載了達秘(Darby)曾與瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald) 的兩位兄長會面的記錄。

(ii) 而最重要的證據還是達秘自己的著作,在一本達秘自己親自撰寫的著作 “The Irrationalism Of Infidelity: Being A Reply To "phases Of Faith”對達秘與麥當勞家庭的會面有十分詳細的描述,達秘(Darby)在書中描述麥當勞家庭聚會的情況,兩位兄長及他們的妹妹們在運用恩賜(如方言、說預言)前,有誦讀、唱詩及祈禱的時間(Previous to the time of exercising the gifts, they read, sung psalms, and prayed ),而達秘也提及別人對瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)的家庭的評價是頗正面的,其中有提到他們是普通、安靜、節制和大致是無可指責的人(The M'D—s were in ordinary life, quiet, sober men, and, he believes, most blameless) (註1),麥當勞(Macdonald)的家庭聚會的成員有詹姆斯(James),喬治(George)兩兄弟,他們年約三十歲,還有他們的三個妹妹珍(Jane)、瑪麗(Mary)和瑪格麗特(Margaret),而瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)是一位十多歲的少女,她在1830年初得著預言的恩賜(註2),並提出秘密被提(Secret rapture)的說法(註3)。

2. 約翰·貝特·卡代爾(John Bate Cardale)對瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)的家庭聚會的考察

約翰·貝特·卡代爾(John Bate Cardale)是一名律師,曾于1830年4月到蘇格蘭格拉斯哥港口(Port Glasgow)有三星期的時間, 對瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)的家庭聚會進行考察並寫下報告,該報告以一封信的形式在季刊《晨更》(Morning Watch )發表,十九世紀靈恩運動的先驅者蘇格蘭人愛德華·歐文(Edward Irving 1792–1834)亦根據這些報導自行研究,並認為瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)的家庭聚會的方言是聖靈的工作,其它聖靈的恩賜亦由方言這個恩賜引發。

據約翰·貝特·卡代爾(John Bate Cardale)的報導,瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)曾對將來臨到地上的審判作見證,並指引教會要以主再來作為她得拯救的希望(she gave testimony to the judgments coming on the earth; but also directed the church to the coming of the Lord as her hope of deliverance).(註4)

3. 靈恩派的《晨更》(Morning Watch) 季刊對瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)等人的評價

《晨更》(Morning Watch) 季刊在1832年內中有一篇文章提到當代在英國的一些婦女得著聖靈的工作對當時的教會產生重大的影響。文中是這樣說:「神的靈已造成數位年輕的婦女,在英國不同地區,(把信息)濃縮成一些破碎的句子(broken sentences),比以往佛漢(Vaughan),查爾姆斯(Chalmers)或歐文(Irving)說出他們最長的講道有更深的神學內涵。 因此,這些婦女的話也比曾經出現過的整個福音講壇所提出過的信息有過之而無不及。」(註5)

而所講的年輕的婦女顯然是指瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)、她的朋友瑪麗·坎貝爾(Mary Campbell)和艾米莉·卡代爾(Emily Cardale)等人(註6)。


瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)和其它女士的預言曾引起一些人的關注,根據瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)的姊姊瑪麗(Mary)在1830年5月18一封信的裡面有這樣記載:「屋子每天都充滿人,他們來自英格蘭、蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭等各地」(註7)。靈恩派的季刊《晨更》(Morning Watch)更對他們的這些破碎的預言高度讚揚,形容那些所謂的預言比愛德華·歐文(Edward Irving)的講道有更深的神學內涵。。這些奇事導致的律師約翰·貝特·卡代爾(John Bate Cardale)帶同另外五個人到瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)的家庭進行考察,他對該家庭的表現作出高度的評價,認為他們都是與神有親密關係並有恩賜的人。

約翰·貝特·卡代爾(John Bate Cardale)是這樣說的:

「the individuals thus gifted are persons living in close communion with God, and in love towards Him, and towards all men; abounding in faith and joy and peace; having an abhorrence of sin, and a thirst for holiness, with an abasement of self, and yet with a hope full of immortality, such as I never witnessed elsewhere, and which I find no where recorded but in the history of the early church」(參註4)

至於達秘(Darby)本人,他亦有參予瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)的家庭聚會,達秘也提及別人對瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)的家庭的評價是頗正面的,說他們是普通、安靜、節制和大致是無可指責的人(The M'D—s were in ordinary life, quiet, sober men, and, he believes, most blameless) (參註1),達秘並無否認他的引述。
這些事實可以給我們一些合理的推斷,不少人在到麥當勞家庭進行考察都會聽到瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)所說的預言,因為羅伯特·諾頓(Robert Norton)曾在場聽過瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)在她家中向到訪者解釋她所得的異像,而羅伯特·諾頓(Robert Norton)亦把所聽到的預言記錄下來(8),因此達秘亦很大可能在探訪麥當勞家庭的時候在他們的家庭聚會中得知瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)有關秘密被提(Secret rapture)這個預言的說法。瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)曾在得到秘密被提(Secret rapture)的異像後,把異像寫給愛德華·歐文(Edward Irving),歐文(Irving)說:「Margaret Macdonald's visions or revelations, given in their papers, carry to me a spiritual conviction and a spiritual reproof which I cannot express(9),亦即是說他承認對瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)的預言深表認同,由此,我們得知連歐文(Irving)也是從瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)得到秘密被提(Secret rapture)的看法。
儘管有人對瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)有正面的評價,但是瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)所得著的並不是聖靈的感動。瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)會說方言,羅伯特·諾頓(Robert Norton)曾記載瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)曾幾乎腳不著地站著像雕像一樣 (10),這似是鬼附多於聖靈的感動。她的朋友瑪麗·坎貝爾(Mary Campbell)是懂得一種叫自動書寫(Automatic writing)的能力,是書寫者聲稱在無意識狀態下,自動寫出的某些書面內容,是書寫者的手部受到某種外力影響而寫出非他本人想寫出的信息,她的表現近似一位靈媒(medium)(11)。事實上,對愛德華·歐文(Edward Irving)十分愛戴的羅伯特·巴克斯特(Robert Baxter)曾對愛德華·歐文(Edward Irving)的靈恩運動作出這樣的評價:羅伯特·巴克斯特(Robert Baxter)自己也會說方言,但是他認為自己第一次說方言是出自撒旦的能力,而其餘的方言的是出於人為製造的,他認為整個靈恩運動並非出於聖靈,而是藉謊言的靈說話,有關主再來的教義正是這些預言的主題,而整個靈恩運動有關主再來的方式和外在種種的條件的觀點確實是充滿錯誤(There must have been much error, in our view of the manner and circumstances of the coming of the Lord )(12),他確定那些所謂的神跡奇事只不過是心理作用或是撒旦的工作,是撒旦用來破壞神的工作,他認為整個運動是一個大騙局(great delusion)(13)
曾在弟兄會聚會的聖經學者撒母耳·普裡多·特裡格利斯(Samuel Prideaux Tregelles)明確指出秘密被提(secret rapture)這個觀念是源自歐文(Irving)的教會並且是出自謊言的靈(14)
羅伯特·卡梅倫(Robert Cameron) 是十九世紀末基要派的中堅分子,他繼(A. J. Gordon)戈登作為基要派刊物Watchword的編輯,是尼亞加拉會議(NiagaraConference)的帶領者之一。十九世紀末尼亞加拉會議大力推廣千禧年前派思想,而羅伯特·卡梅倫(Robert Cameron)亦承認深受弟兄會的達秘(Darby)、牛頓(Newton)、穆勒(Mueller)和凱利(Kelly)的影響。羅伯特·卡梅倫(Robert Cameron)亦認為災前秘密被提這個奇怪的教義是來自謊言的靈(15)
有些人以為達秘(Darby)首先提出秘密被提(secret rapture)的觀念,卻不知道這是由鬼附的瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret Macdonald)首先提出的,達秘(Darby)只不過是傳揚一個鬼魔的道理。有些人以為達秘(Darby)是基督教有名望的人,他的教導是不會錯的,而他們便不假思索地接受過來。然而我們必須留意主的話:
「至於那些有名望的,不論他是何等人,都與我無干。神不以外貌取人。那些有名望的,並沒有加增我什麼」( 2:6)
1. Darby, J. N., The Irrationalism of Infidelity London : Groombridge and Sons, Paternoster-row,1853 , p. 301- 303
2. Arnold Dallimore. The life of Edward Irving : Fore-runner of the Charismatic Movement   Edinburgh: Banner of Truth,1983 p.105
3. Dave MacPherson The Rapture Plot Millennium III Publishers, (c)1994 p.15
The first account of MacDonald's utterance was published in 1840 in   Norton's Memoirs p.171-176, and the second account in 1861 in The Restoration of Apostles and Prophets p.15-18. The two accounts were conflated by MacPherson in his book  The Incredible Cover-up p.151-154
4.  Revival Library   Edward Irving (1792-1834) The first report of speaking in tongues in Britain which laid the foundation of British Pentecostalism.
約翰·貝特·卡代爾(John Bate Cardale) 對麥當勞( Macdonald)家庭的評價是這樣說的:
the individuals thus gifted are persons living in close commu­nion with God, and in love towards Him, and towards all men; abounding in faith and joy and peace; having an abhorrence of sin, and a thirst for holiness, with an abasement of self, and yet with a hope full of immortality, such as I never wit­nessed elsewhere, and which I find no where recorded but in the history of the early church
5. " Unaccomplished prophecies Now Fulfilling"(No. III) The Morning Watch, Dec., 1832 p.249
6. Tim Grass. The Lord's Watchman: a life of Edward Irving(1792-1834) Eugene, Ore. : Pickwick Publications, ©2012. P.214, 224
Dave MacPherson The Rapture Plot Millennium III Publishers, ©1994 p.13
7. Robert Norton Memoirs of James and John MacDonald of Port-Glasgow   J.F. Shaw, 1840 p.125-6
8. Dave MacPherson, The Rapture Plot, page 249

9. Mrs. Oliphant The Life of Edward Irving   London :Hurst and Blackett Fifth Edition P.292-293
10. Robert Norton The Restoration of Apostles and Prophets in the Catholic Apostolic Church Bosworth & Harrison, 1861 p.25
11. Dave MacPherson The Rapture Plot Millennium III Publishers, ©1994 p.52
12. Robert Baxter Narrative of Facts, Characterizing the Supernatural Manifestations in Members of Mr. Irving's Congregation London; James Nisbet, 1833 p.118,
13. Arnold Dallimore. The life of Edward Irving : Fore-runner of the Charismatic Movement. Edinburgh: Edinburgh: Banner of Truth,1983  p.140
14. Tregelles. S.P. 1864. The Hope of Christ's Coming, 6 th addition, Whitstable Litho Ltd. p.20-21
15. Walter Unger "Earnestly Contending for the Faith: The Role of the Niagara Bible Conference in the Emergence of American Fundamentalism, 1875-1900." Ph.D. diss., Simon Fraser University, 1981. p. 152, 330












使徒約翰引述主耶穌的話對非拉鐵非教會的使者說:「你既遵守我忍耐的道,我必在普天下人受試煉的時候,保守你免去你的試煉。」 (3:10)




首先介係詞「免去」,與約17:15中的「脫離」都是同一個希臘文「ek」,主耶穌祈求神保守信主的人脫離那惡者,是否表示信主的人可以不再遇見惡者?當然不是,因為信主的人是要抵擋魔鬼的(4:7, 彼前5:8,9),信主的人又怎可以不再遇見那惡者呢?而主耶穌所祈求信主的人脫離那惡者,顯然是指脫離或免去那惡者的傷害說的(約一5:18)。因此非拉鐵非教會的使者得著保守免去他的試煉,並不表示他不會遇見那試煉,而是脫離或免去那試煉所帶來的傷害,如失去了平安或被世界所勝(16:33),因此,啟3:10的解釋與約17:15的解釋必須是一致的。


耶穌說:「那些日子的災難一過去,日頭就變黑了,月亮也不放光,眾星要從天上墜落,天勢都要震動。 那時,人子的兆頭要顯在天上,地上的萬族都要哀哭。他們要看見人子,有能力,有大榮耀,駕著天上的雲降臨。 他要差遣使者,用號筒的大聲,將他的選民,從四方(方:原文是風),從天這邊到天那邊,都招聚了來。」(24:29-31)





弟兄會中人如特裡格利斯博士(Dr. Tregelles), 牛頓(B. W. Newton),還有其它人都認為歐文(Irving)的時代之前都沒有人提出這種理論()





Walter Unger "Earnestly Contending for the Faith": The Role of the Niagara Bible Conference in the Emergence of American Fundamentalism, 1875-1900, doctoral thesis(1981) p.330


達秘(Darby)是接著瑪格麗特•麥當勞(Margaret MacDonald)提出秘密被提(Secret Rapture)的說法

1.  瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret MacDonald) 有關秘密被提(Secret Rapture)的說法


瑪格麗特·麥當勞認為那些以為主來之前有可見先兆的人是錯誤的(what the sign of the Son of man is ……I saw the error to be, that men think that it will be something seen by the natural eye) (1)

瑪格麗特·麥當勞認為被提是非肉眼所能看(not with observation to the natural eye),只有聖靈充滿的人才能看見主來這件屬靈的事並會被提(those who were filled with the spirit could see spiritual things……only those that are alive in him that will be caught up)

2. 達秘(Darby)有關秘密被提(Secret Rapture)的說法

達秘認為在災難臨到時,教會是無事前的通知(absolute silence as to the church),而教會亦免於啟示錄4章以後所提及的災難(the church is outside the scene of judgment in the Revelation),因為教會在審判前便被提走(the rapture of the saints take place before the execution of judgment),而達秘認為教會的被接去與舊約的以諾的情況一樣,他在沒有審判的先兆下被接走了(was translated before there was a sign of the judgment),因為教會是時刻期待(expectation was constant),因此,達秘認為教會的被提亦沒有先兆,聖靈會親自通知那被提的時間來臨(No: they were no signs, and have no application at all now; and what came on to be revealed as a necessity for the church, for its seeing the evil of the last days, the Holy Ghost has taken care to tell us is arrived.),很明顯這是達秘密被提(Secret Rapture)最清楚的說法(2)

達秘密被提(Secret Rapture)的說法,與瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret MacDonald)1830年初在病中得到秘密被提的異象甚為接近。


達秘(Darby)瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret MacDonald)的秘密被提(Secret Rapture)論的共同點:

1.   沒有先兆(no signs)

2.   對被提的來到需要聖靈給人的眼光才可知悉。

不同之處是瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret MacDonald)提出秘密被提(Secret Rapture)的觀念是在1830年初(3),而達秘(Darby)則曾在1857年一本記載他的文章中曾提出(2)

使徒馬大提到主來提接祂的百姓時,人子的兆頭要顯在天上,地上的萬族都要哀哭。他們要看見(horao)人子,有能力,有大榮耀,駕著天上的雲降臨(24:30-31)。看見(horao)是感官上的感受,是指肉眼的的看見,瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret MacDonald)提出非肉眼所能看(not with observation to the natural eye)的說法顯然違反使徒馬大的教導。

使徒保羅提到被提前有呼叫(keleuma)的聲音和天使長的聲音,又有 神的號吹響(帖前4:16-17, 林前15:52)。呼叫(keleuma)是指一個指令, 命令, 更確定地說, 指以一種吼叫, 呼喊的方式所發出, 以催逼採取行動的。達秘所說被提前對教會是無聲無息 (absolute silence as to the church) 的說法,顯然是違反使徒保羅的教導。

1.  Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Margaret McDonald (visionary)

瑪格麗特·麥當勞(Margaret MacDonald)說:「0 it is not known what the sign of the Son of man is; the people of God think they are waiting, but they know not what it is. I felt this needed to be revealed, and that there was great darkness and error about it……I saw the error to be, that men think that it will be something seen by the natural eye; but 'tis spiritual discernment that is needed, the eye of God in his people…... I felt that those who were filled with the spirit could see spiritual things, and feel walking in the midst of them, while those who had not the Spirit could see nothing……Christ in us that will lift us up - he is the light - 'tis only those that are alive in him that will be caught up to meet him in the air.

2.  John Nelson Darby  The Coming of the Lord and the Translation of the Church
(An Attempt to answer the questions, "May the Coming of the Lord be expected immediately? and will the translation of the Church be secret?" By George J. Walker. London: Whittaker & Co, 12. Ave Maria Lane. 1857.

No. 1.6. Vol. I.-Sept 1, 1857.)

達秘(Darby) 說:「Was Enoch worse off than Noah because the one declared what was coming on the world, not on himself, and was translated before there was a sign of the judgment, while the other received a warning of what concerned the circumstances he was in, so that, moved with fear, he gave heed and was saved through the deluge of waters? So with the church in the Revelation. None can deny that there is absolute silence as to the church (we do not say saints) on earth when the terrible judgments, symbolised by seals, trumpets, and vials, issue from the throne. Churches are spoken of before Revelation 4, and they are addressed after the visions close in Revelation 22. For no doubt the church ought to be the vessel of divine testimony as to what is coming, as Enoch was, and ought to be in the place of intercession, as was Abraham; but the church is outside the scene of judgment in the Revelation, as both these types were in Genesis.

Does the rapture of the saints take place before the execution of judgment? All scripture answers, yes.

At first, the expectation was constant; next, as time went on, and in fact faith and hope fuller, particular events were noticed as immediately imminent……

No: they were no signs, and have no application at all now; and what came on to be revealed as a necessity for the church, for its seeing the evil of the last days, the Holy Ghost has taken care to tell us is arrived.

3.  Dave MacPherson  The Rapture Plot  Millennium III Publishers, ©1994  p. 15

   Tim Grass. The Lord’s Watchman: a life of Edward Irving(1792-1834) Eugene, Ore. : Pickwick Publications, ©2012. p.208